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Site Councils

Site Councils

Site Councils:  Help your school increase academic achievement and outcomes for your students.

All Minneapolis Public Schools have Site Councils to support site based decision making to increase academic outcomes for our students.  MPS values family and community members as active partners in reviewing funding, policies, practices and programs at our schools.  Site Councils are a way that parents and community members can learn what is happening in their school and influence decisions.

It is important for Site Councils to reflect the student population of the schools to ensure a diversity of ideas and input.  These are some common activities that Site Councils do to increase student achievement:

  • Advise the school principal or site administrator on school based decisions.
  • Review and advise the school staff on the School Improvement Plans (SIP) which outlines specific goals the school will achieve to increase academic outcomes for students.
  • Review and help develop the Family Engagement Plan (FEP)
  • Review and provide guidance on the use of Title I funds and Compensatory Revenue to ensure it is being used as intended and in a way that increases outcomes.
  • Advise the principal on the use of the school budget to ensure that the goals outlined in the SIP are achieved.
  • Communicate with the school community about what is happening at Site Council an other things affecting the school
  • Hosting a meeting with the full school community about what is happening at the school and taking in advice and ideas on how to continue to improve outcomes for all students.

How to Get Involved

Contact your child's or community's school Principal to sign-up  or with questions about Site Council. To find a list of schools and contact information click here MPS Schools.

To the right there is information and resources to support your Site Council including:

  • The Site Council Policy 
  • Resources for Staff
  • Information in Spanish, Somali, and Hmong
  • Frequently Asked Questions

