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MPS Parent Advisory Councils, Cultural and Community Liaisons
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MPS Parent Advisory Councils (PACs)

MPS Parent Advisory Councils (PACs)

PACs create and support a space for vibrant family groups to come together around shared interests and experiences focused on ways to support and sustain student academic and social-emotional success. They increase parent and family involvement in their children's education through effective communication and leadership development while empowering and advocating for all families. By attending an Advisory Council you can:

  • Connect with other parents and community leaders
  • Provide input concerning school-related issues
  • Make recommendations in support of enhancing learning opportunities and environments
  • Advocate for issues vital to the success of schools, youth, and families in their community
  • Each Parent Advisory Council selects two people to represent them on the District Parent Advisory Council

District Parent Advisory Council

Pa Houa Charlene Yang, pahoua.yang@mpls.k12.mn.us

Black Parent Advisory Council
Tikonwaun Blackamore, tikonwaun.blackamore@mpls.k12.mn.us

Hmong Parent Advisory Council 
Yee Yang, yee.yang1@mpls.k12.mn.us

Latino Parent Advisory Council 
Fanny Newton, fanny.newton@mpls.k12.mn.us

Somali Parent Advisory Council

Ahmed Keynan, ahmed.keynan@mpls.k12.mn.us


Homeless and Highly Mobile Parent Advisory Council 

Charlotte Kinzley, charlotte.kinzley@mpls.k12.mn.us


Special Education Advisory Council

American Indian Parent Advisory Title VI Committee
Title VI Parent Committee
